Nations are at war, nukes are being amassed madly, the economic crisis is gripping debt-ridden countries, suicide rates are high, religious conflicts are increasing, climate change is causing floods in one region and drought in another, global supply chains are disrupted, rending millions to go without food! The after effects of the pandemic are still far from over, and more than 800 million people go to sleep on a hungry stomach every night. At the same time, the world GDP has crossed 100 trillion US dollars, whereby the rich are getting richer. The divide between the haves and the have-nots is widening every day, which is the surest recipe for a global disaster. Where is the end to this mayhem, and what is the solution?
The Indian idea of – vasudhaiva kutumbakam – one world, one family, where each lives for the other and all live for God, is the only permanent solution to avert the impending global humanitarian crisis.
For the broad-minded people, humans as well as all creatures great and small that inhabit this great planet is part of one world one family. Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai believes strongly that children are the future of the world, and unless we take care of children, and believe in the oneness and inclusiveness of all mankind we cannot make the world better.
The time has come to embrace and embody the idea of kindness and compassion in the spirit of One World One Family.
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