Love and Peace Centre for Human Development and Service, Escobar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Fundación Sai Prema De Salud, Educacion Y Valores Humanos
(Sai Prema Foundation For Health, Education And Human Values)
Latin American Institute of Human Values (LAIHV) – Six courses in Education in Human Values (EHV) and teachers training across South America
Valores – A bimonthly magazine on human values is published
Instagram Live – Every Monday, a live event is arranged on Instagram, where a guest speaker is invited to share their deep knowledge about meditation, yoga, art, talent exploration, etc.
Education on Values in a Café – An online initiative, where every Saturday participants from Colombia, the USA, Spain, Uruguay, Israel, and Argentina participate
Workshops on practical wisdom are conducted via online platforms
Teaching support and yoga classes are conducted at a foster home in the province of Cordoba
On a regular basis, food is distributed to homeless individuals and soup kitchens in Escobar, La Plata (Buenos Aires), Capilla del Monte (Cordoba), and Bariloche (Rio Negro)
320,000 meals have been served in the last three years
Seeds of Love – A web radio programme in Spanish is regularly broadcasted on ‘Sanathana Vani’ – The Voice Eternal, keeping youth as its target audience
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